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Colonic Hydrotherapy
First Consultation 1½ Hours
Using closed method and living water for cleansing and detoxification. Almost every chronic disease is directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the colon. Improves bowel function and tone.
Colonic Hydrotherapy Other treatments 1 Hour
Therapeutic Massage
1 Hour
Aromatherapy with Chinese diagnosis
1 hour – 1 ½ Hours
Relax with oils chosen for you-warm towels-soft music, candles and aromatic vapours.Foot massage that helps to heal the organs and body parts.
Indian Head Massage
½ Hour – 1 Hour
Seated Massage. Excellent for stress, tension, energy balance and hair growth.
1 Hour
For stress, phobias, confidence and more.
Allergy Testing
1 Hour
First Consultation (Includes Zinc Tally, pH test, Hydration, Iridology, Oxygen) 1 Hour
Return Visits 15 minutes – ½ Hour
Naturopathy is a method of healing that empowers an individual to achieve a high level of health. The cause is treated as well as the whole person. Prevention is accomplished through education. It is based on the belief that given the right environment, the body has the power to heal itself. Dietary/ lifestyle advice, herbs, nutrition and flower remedies may be given.
1 Hour
Ear Candling
½ Hour
For ear problems, wax, sinus, headaches and hearing impairments.
Hypnobirthing/ Calm birth classes
For pregnant mothers to allow an easy comfortable birth.
Indian head Massage Classes
Accredited- learn head, face, neck & shoulder massage.
Look Good, Feel Great and Get More out of Life!