20 Tips for a good nights sleep

1. No caffeine after 2p.m. this includes tea, coffee, green tea, energy drinks, chocolate and avoid cold/hay fever tablets, have natural herbs instead.
2. Take out of the bedroom T.V.s, computers and anything else electrical including clock radios.
3. No stimulating T.V. at night especially the news
4. Listen to relaxing music before bed
5. Eat at least 2 hours before you go to bed
6. Have a warm glass of rice milk, almond milk or oat milk before bed with a dash of cinnamon
7. Have a warm bath with 6 drops of lavender oil or chamomile oil. If you don’t have a bath, soak your feet with the oil and water. You can also add magnesium salts to the bath/footbath.
8. Put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow and a drop above your lip and use in an aromatizer
9. Ensure you have a comfortable mattress and a pillow that supports your neck
10. Keep the light out of the room with good curtains or blinds, have good air circulation and a moderate temperature.
11. Wear ear plugs if necessary and go to bed and get up at the same time to create a rhythm
12. Write out your worries in a journal/to do list and tell your mind you will deal with them at such and such a time in the morning
13. Practice deep breathing at night in for the count of 4 out for the count of 6
14. Avoid exercise 2 hours before bed but do it in the morning or daytime at least 3 hours a week. Lack of exercise affects sleep
15. Avoid sugar and alcohol and make sure you are having enough iron, calcium and magnesium in your diet.
16. Drink Chamomile, lavender, passionflower, lemonbalm, scullcap tea in the afternoon/evening
17. Talk to friends about your worries so they aren’t recirculating in your head
18. Take up yoga, tai chi, Qi Gong or meditation
19. Aim to keep your stress levels low
20. Spend time in nature especially if you live in a city, go to a park.
Did you know an estimated 70% of adults suffer from sleep problems?

Without good sleep, you are more likely to…
• Suffer from colds, flu tendons.
• Endure injuries, aches and pains and wounds that do not heal well.
• You are less likely to be able think clearly, concentrate, or remember things.
• You may feel depressed.

• Naps can be revitalizing if over tired. Naps are useful before a night out also.
• The best time to nap is after lunch. Do not nap after 4.OOpm as it can disturb your sleep during that night.
• You can avoid feeling groggy after a nap by keeping it to 15 minutes (so you have not fallen into a deep sleep) or about 90 minutes (so you go bough a complete sleep cycle).

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