1. Start the day with ½ a lemon in hot water.
2. Reduce soft drink. There are 11tsp. of sugar in a can (sugar free versions are also
3. Reduce sugar or eliminate it. (Use stevia or another natural sweetener instead)
4. Eat more umeboshi plums; they are salted Asian plums sold in health food shops.
One a day helps the body alkalise.
5. Increase vibrant greens including seaweed.
According to Reams, the vegetables celery, parsley, green beans and zucchini are top of the list
for alkalising the mineral potassium. You can make a soup called ‘Bielers broth’ from these
If you take out poor quality foods from your diet and increase organic whole foods your need
for drugs and supplements will be less. To get a big mineral boost in your diet, incorporate
seaweeds like nori and dulse in your diet which are readily available from health shops. They
are the highest plant source of minerals and have many health benefits including assisting
in healthy thyroid function. Cereal grasses like wheat grass and barley grass are also high in
minerals. You can also incorporate sprouts (like mung beans and alfalfa) and vegetable juices
for their quality, taste and vital force.
If you have a tendency to any digestive problem including a virus, parasite, fungus or mucus
problem you need to manage stress, have a more alkalising diet, exercise and drink healthy
water. You will find healthy herbs and alkalising recipes (not the desserts) in Ch.11 and 12, in
particular the salads and drinks.
Over the last century the western diet has become more acidic robbing the body of minerals.
Life has also become more stressful with less exercise for many of you. An alkaline, moderate
protein diet can greatly benefit your digestive and overall health and reduce disease.
:from the book “Digestive Solutions” by Michele Wolff