Nutritionist, Herbalist, Ayurvedic practitioner, Closed Colonic Hydrotherapist, Lecturer, Speaker, Author, Registered Nurse, Adjunct Professional Fellow - helping the community for over 30 years.

1. Organise your kitchen with the utensils you need and have them near the work bench and stove.

2. Have good quality cookware and a blender. If you want high quality and versatility I recommend Vitamix ( I’d also recommend a juicer. You can get juicers that don’t use blades to destroy nutrients like a compact juicer does and there are various high end juicers on the market.

3. Have good quality knives and cutting boards, scales, garlic press, scissors and a good stock of herbs spices and quality oils.

4. Organise your week and plan ahead so you can buy everything you need to make your cooking experience easier.

5. Take deep breaths and get yourself relaxed. Get yourself in a good mood; if you need music or aromatherapy oils to enhance your experience, use them. Your vibration affects your food. Avoid tasting the food and putting the same utensil back into the food. Enzymes from saliva may cause spoilage, cross contaminate and change the vibration of the food. Of course taste it, but wash the spoon if you taste it again.

6. Have respect and gratitude for the food you are going to eat. Think about all the processes and people needed to grow the food and get it to you. This is also likely to get you eating healthy food!

7. Organise the time you will need. You may need to soak things the night before or you may put the slow cooker on before you go to work for a yummy meal in the evening.

8. As you get used to cooking, use your intuition and creativity to select colour, taste, shapes and smells. I do this all the time and I wouldn’t be without fresh herbs to add flavour to cooked foods and salads. I usually have pots of basil, oregano, parsley and coriander growing outside the kitchen. Get to know the healing effects of food (for example turmeric is fantastic for bowel inflammation) and bring out the tastes and flavours. You can preserve the life force by cooking at low temperatures and having raw food if you can digest it.

9. Keep it simple, until you are familiar with cooking and make easy healthy recipes, avoid complicated recipes unless you are experienced. Allow time to clean and if you clean up as you go, it will leave a lot less mess afterwards.

10. Set the scene. If it’s only you, make sure you sit down; you can light a candle or put a flower on the table and use utensils you enjoy, making it a mindful and pleasant experience. Avoid putting the best things away for special guests; treat yourself like a special guest. Make the effort to cook for someone you love or someone who inspires you.


Taken from ‘Digestive solutions-101 proven methods to solve your tummy problems naturally’-By Michele Wolff

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